Navigating the Path to Plastic-Free Packaging in 2024:
A Practical Guide


Anyone who has seen the waste of packaging on Christmas morning understands it is the item inside that matters most. There are literally tons of plastic materials left in landfills to degrade over the years, and plastic takes centuries to degrade.Packaging, often a significant contributor to plastic pollution, is an area where we can make a substantial impact. In a world striving for sustainability, reducing our reliance on plastic is a crucial step towards a greener future. To help reduce your packaging footprint, keep reading and get some ideas on how to reduce plastic in your business.

Use Biodegradable Material

Plastic can take centuries to degrade and can cause environmental damage in the process. Compostable materials can eliminate this danger. Many products can benefit from biodegradable packaging material, but food products are one of the best. This is because they need packaging to keep the items safe from humidity, bacteria, pressure, and other factors that speed up spoilage. When you use biodegradable packaging with eco-friendly ink, you have packaging that is 100% renewable.

Material Matters

Opt for materials that are environmentally friendly, such as recycled cardboard, paper, or compostable plastics. Many custom packaging solutions now offer innovative alternatives that are as effective as they are sustainable.

Use Cardboard and Paper Packaging

Paper and cardboard have many qualities that plastic doesn’t. Some of these include recyclability and biodegradability. The American Forest and Paper Association has stated that the most-recycled material is packaging from recycled items and paper. Another advantage to paper and cardboard packaging is that they are more budget-friendly than other types of material. Paper packaging may include shipping sacks, cardboard, paperboard, and paper bags.

Print Responsibly

When incorporating branding elements, choose eco-friendly printing options. Look for water-based inks and consider minimalist designs that require less ink. This small shift can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your custom packaging.

Consider Using Plant-Based Material

When you use packaging material made from plants, it is also called bio-based plastics. This is usually made from mushroom filaments, wheat, coconut, corn, potato cuttings, sugarcane, mango skins, and banana peels. These plastics are made from agricultural by-products and natural materials, so they generate minimal greenhouse gases and consume less petroleum when they are made. You can also recycle these plastics when they are made into films for frozen foods or for shampoo bottles.

Collaborate with Sustainable Suppliers

Partner with suppliers who share your commitment to sustainability. Work with those offering responsibly sourced materials and eco-conscious production processes to ensure your custom packaging aligns with your values.

Eliminate It

Take a long, hard look at your packaging and see what is truly needed and what can be done away with. This is the simplest solution to reducing the plastic in your packaging. Reconsider plastic packaging around food items, such as vegetables, clothing, and other items. Where you can remove the plastic and keep the integrity of the goods, do so. The first thing you should consider is whether any part of your packaging can be eliminated. This is the best way to reduce your packaging overall, specifically your plastic packaging.

As we venture into 2024, let’s make conscientious choices in custom packaging, leading the way towards a future where plastic-free solutions are not just an option but a standard. Small changes can drive significant transformations in the packaging landscape, benefiting both businesses and the planet.

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